Monday, April 15, 2013

Ptc Referral Tip of the Week!


Ptc Referral Tip #13

Compare and contrast with your own sites

Before I say anything, I would like to apologize for skipping the ptc referral tip of the week last week; I had so much school work and tests to worry about.

Anyways, this ptc referral tip is to test out your ptc sites to advertise. So if you put the same amount of ptc credits to promote two sites, you might see that one site is getting more referrals than the other. This means that one of your sites is more in demand for sign ups! It will give you a good clue that this site will be easier to build ptc referral downlines than the other. You will get more referrals for your advertising money because you're choosing the easier site to promote. 

PS. you must consider other factors in which site you want to build or promote, so you should click HERE for one of my previous posts that shares other factors. 

Questions, comments, feedback? Leave them below!

1 comment:

  1. hi. just click the link and register to earn real cash.This is free to registration
